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5 Pregnancy Travel Planning Tips

Taking some time off from work or home during your pregnancy could be a perfect way to relax. Although travelling during pregnant may not be as simple, it is still doable and highly recommended. These are some points to ponder when planning a holiday during your pregnancy:

Think Domestic Destinations

While it is totally alright to board that flight and travel away from your country, choosing a domestic destination for a pregnancy vacation may be a safer option. Not only are there some truly beautiful and under-explored places locally, a domestic location also often means a shorter travel time and sometimes without involving air travel at all. It also means familiar medical care, should there be an emergency. Besides, there are lesser things to fuss about when it comes to bookings and other arrangements which may account for lesser stress and planning time.

Pack Up Some Healthy Snacks

A big part of a vacation is about enjoying and discovering local food and restaurants. But in the midst of it all, don’t forget to stay hydrated. Bring a bottle of water with you wherever you are. Take a sip every now and then. Pack some healthy snacks such as nuts, fruits, granola bars and sandwiches so you can have them in between travels should there be a delay or miss in meal times, or simply when you feel like snacking on something.

Take It Easy

It’s a pregnancy vacation, so keep it easy and relaxed. Plan your holiday to give much time for yourself and spouse to relax and enjoy the moment before the little one comes by. Go for walks, take in the sceneries, enjoy the beach and weather instead of a cramming up a few activities all in a day. If you’re the adventurous type with a tendency towards fast-paced, adrenaline-fuelled activities, then maybe it’s a great time to slow down and take it easy.

Keep A Copy of Your Prenatal Information

Just to be safe and prepared in the event of any medical emergencies, keep a copy of your prenatal record with you. Whilst it’s a smart move to keep one with you at all times, it may come especially handy during a holiday should you need to see a doctor for any reason. It helps to give the new doctor an understanding of your medical history and condition so you can receive the appropriate medical care or treatment.

Pick Your Company

That’s right. Sometimes, it’s not always the spouse that you want to be with for a relaxing holiday, especially during your pregnancy. While a partnership or marriage is about sharing, there are times when you may just prefer the company of a close friend or a favourite cousin. It’s also a perfect way to spend some quality time with your best mates before the baby comes along. Choose a like-minded person who shares common interests and history with you. Importantly, the company must not cause you much stress!

Written by:

Jay Jayaraj is a freelance journalist/ writer and embroidery artist who is passionate about health, fitness, food, craft, culture and travel. She loves everything homemade and handmade, and currently lives in Kuala Lumpur with her husband.

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